Tempco Blog articles

Heat exchangers: plates vs shell and tube

Choosing a heat exchanger, the first and main question is: what kind of heat exchanger?
This is a topic already discussed here (mostly in the italian section, so that it represents a new contribution here), but never enough being said. Two different alternatives are indeed possible, opting for a shell and tube type or choosing a plate heat exchanger.

The progress of technology construction today allows to go for plate heat exchangers for the majority of applications, as the increasing and yet big amount of applications developed and engineered in Tempco demonstrates, in all kind of industrial sectors. In fact, if shell and tube type was almost a forced way in the past, in case of extreme working conditions with very high pressure and temperature values, new technological and engineering processes expanded plate heat exchangers potential, making them able to cover and satisfy a greater and wider range of industrial processes.

Fascio tubiero

Scambiatori di calore a fascio tubiero

Brazed heat exchangers and all welded plate heat exchangers today allow to employ plate heat exchangers with temperatures up to 900°C, and pressures up to 100 bars. An increased range that covers almost any kind of requirement, with just a few exceptions, as for fumes recovery in refineries, or low pressure air, due to load loss and speed flow, still forcing to employ shell and tube type.

In any other kind of cooling and heating application, today plate heat exchangers are the best choice, no doubt about it, exploiting all the many advantages offered:

– higher thermal transfer efficiency
– extreme flexibility
– compact dimensions, a crucial asset in many industrial sectors
– increasing thermal transfer capacity just adding new plates
– easy maintenance and loss check and repair
– connections fixed, even in case of retrofit with a superior capacity plate heat exchanger, connections interface remains the same

Skid piastre

Scambiatori di calore a piastre

The great flexibility is indeed a very important benefit offered by plate heat exchangers, representing a crucial competitiveness force allowing greater ROI: being able to increase or decrease the thermal transfer capacity simply adding or removing plates, increasing or reducing thermal transfer surface, without any intervention on piping and maintaining connections exactly the same, allows to adjust thermal capacity to the real needs and production volumes.

That means, as we use to underline, that plate heat exchangers fulfill the concept of ‘standard custom flexibility’, a leading philosophy for Tempco, allowing to develop a greater and increasing number of applications, for industrial process thermal regulation needs in a more and more greater range of industrial sectors.

Marine ship heaters

Brazed plate heat exchangers are suitable for new and challenging installations.

On marine ship you can use them as steam heaters on many different applications.


Application is easy and useful on industrial processes, you can heat up water or oil with steam (or hot oil).

Our technical department push up limits and design a new special connection in order to make suitable brazed plate heat exchangers with ship environment.


Ship marine heaters with brazed plate heat exchangers

see pics and evaluate the interesting connections design for flanged pipes used on ships.

Ship marine heaters with brazed plate heat exchangers

Carbon-ceramic brake discs

High-performance sports cars are increasingly being fitted with carbon-ceramic brake discs.

You can take a look, on 24 Hours of Le Mans, looking for the braking closed to the most challenging turn.

 Saleen S7-R

These brake discs are extremely heat resistant and much more efficient as a result, even in the case of braking on the very limit of grip, which can occur during sporting events or intensive use.

You may be wondering what these brakes have to do with our cooling and thermostation technologies and our heat exchangers.

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Chillers on pharma applications

Our interesting customer on pharma application order to us a cooling system for pharmaceutical mixer.


TCHILL chiller for pharmaceutical applications

It’s a small pilot plant to make some test, in next 6 months will follow the operative project.

The system is small, but very flaxible:

range of set point from -15°C up to +20°C.

Obviously thermal capacity changes, but customer accept cooling time variation in this test phases.

To avoid freeze risks, customer add to circuit the T-UNFREEZE protection:


percentuale antigelo T-UNFREEZE

Hydraulic turbines bearing coolers

On hydraulic power generation, TCOIL heat exchangers are a good solution to cool down the lubricating oil for turbines, with low costs and big efficency.

Dropping a TCOIL dimple plate heat exchanger into the water discharge chennel, you can cool the services on power generation units.


TCOIL for data center and power generation

It’s a good way to optimize energy saving:

  • low energy cost (no pump energy)
  • high efficency (good thermal capacity)
  • flexibility of layout
  • high resistance
  • low cost

This is similar to the application of data center cooling


Chlorine water: titanium or stainless steel?

Chlorine water on plate heat exchangers…what kind of plate material? Our technical department answer to this question many times.

Looking at ship structure, we can think stainless steel is suitable, but you know, heat exchanger is directly in contact every time with salted water and with higher temperature sometimes.

The following data sheet gives clearly the stainless steel limits:

CHLORUR CONCENTRATION SCHEDULEWith sea water the must is titanium.

schema ship phe