Tempco Blog articles

Diathermic oil life span in thermoregulating units

Diathermic oil is a heat transfer fluid highly employed in temperature regulation systems, due to its high boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure conditions, between 400°C and 500°C, and to its low freezing point.

These properties give diathermic oil an excellent thermal stability, making it a perfect substitute of water and vapor in heat transfer systems and thermoregulation, for applications involving temperatures in a wide range, between -115°C and up to 400°C, mostly without pressurized equipments. I would like to suggest the products of Therminol by Eastman, in the selection of a diathermic oil, due to the excellent performances offered and also supplying other kinds of thermal transfer fluids allowing to manage wide temperature variations with very low viscosity variations.

centraline olio diatermnico

The working life span of a good diathermic oil in a thermoregulating unit is usually about 3-4 years, provided that design, engineering and building of the plant are made taking care of a series of characteristics:

– Right equipments sizing
– Proper materials selection
– Correct filling and start-up process
– Planned maintenance and periodical service during plant working life

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Automotive test bench

Even in car there are utilities:

  • cooling systems
  • servo systems for steering
  • power assistance to the brakes
  • air conditioning
  • start / stop systems

All these features allow you to enjoy a relaxed trip with more comfortably and safely, and of course they have to operate in all conditions, and must be tested.

How to do? typically the largest producers of components for automotive, have test and climatic chambers where make the component tests, subjecting them to the most severe conditions that will meet in reality.

automotive air conditioning compressor on a white background. car parts

Tempco from many years, supports this application field, providing special thermoregulation unit that simulate the extreme conditions.

Temperatures from -30 ° C to + 300 ° C, allow to simulate the operating conditions to producers of

  • pumps
  • conditioners
  • aircraft electronic equipment
  • engines
  • radiators
  • conditioning systems
  • navigators
  • avionics

termoregolatori per applicazioni speciali

Demineralized water, how it is thermoregulated?

There are many application fields requiring demineralized water, in fact all of the applications where water must be softened and filtered and, in addition, it must have specific electrical conductivity properties, to be employed for example in cooling of electric and electronic components, power inverters or generators.

It may appear as a kind of fluid not needing particular cares, but also working with demineralized water involves a special attention in the selection of components aimed to get in contact with it.

Demineralized water has indeed a high level of acidity, excluding the employ of copper, highly exposed to the risk of corrosion in a short time.

Circulating equipments used in combination with demineralized water are usually realized in different materials, such as:

  • stainless steel
  • brass
  • bronze
  • plastics

Some additional technical infos can be found in this table:


Customized for this kind of application, in Tempco we realize special and personalized thermoregulating units, employing materials compatibles for use with demineralized or deionized water.

demineralized water thermoregulating unit


How to control temperature in pharma process

Tempco temperature control unit are employed in many different field of application.

In the last few month we design thermoregulating units for many different production systems:

  • active principles
  • antibiotics
  • bulk
  • hyaluronic acid
  • drying of powder products

all of these needs reactors with precise up/down temperature settings and gradients.

Customers greatest difficult are related to reckon the heating/cooling capacity they need…Ok!

Here the simply solution in 5 points:

  1. capacity of the reactor, or the volume … better the quantity of product content to the maximum production
  2. type of product, consequently physical characteristics
  3. range of working temperature
  4. time of heating / cooling
  5. weight of the equipment (reactor, dryer etc …)

defined these 5 simple steps, with an Excel spreadsheet, or a calculator, the computation of heating power and cooling become a breeze.

And if you have any doubts, please contact our technical department, which provides you the support.

supervisor in temperature production control process

Tempco, 100% Green Energy

Tempco obtained the Guarantee of Origin certification of 100% Green Energy employed in our plant, granted by the Axpo Italia operator.
renewable energy Tempco 2017 Axpo
The trademark 100% Energy from renewable sources guarantees the whole amount of energy supplied have been produced by power plants using only renewable energy sources. Guarantees of Origin certifications are acknowledged proportionally to the amount of electrical energy from green renewable sources consumed yearly by Tempco, in compliance to the italian energy market regulations.
Tempo green energy Axpo
Following the same path of our core business, developing machinery and solution for smart energy consumption, heat recovery and energy efficiency in industrial heating and cooling systems, Tempco embraces sustainability good practices aimed to environment safety and protection, in all of our internal activities and operations, and in all products and services for our customers.

How to regulate the chocolate tempering temperature

The production of chocolate is a very delicate and complex process, which needs precise levels of temperature, to achieve a high quality product.

One of the basic steps in the processing of chocolate is tempering, that explained in very simple terms is a pre-crystallization of melting chocolate, before the modeling, so as to obtain a stable product over time, which presents a good surface gloss combined with a right internal compactness.

To obtain these results the modern tempering machines use temperature control units, providing heating / water cooling, according to a pre-determined cycle, to precise temperatures, with very narrow tolerances (0.1 ° C). These cycles change on the type of chocolate, but all need for fine regulation of temperature.

The typical tempering cycle passes through 3 stages of temperature:

  • first cooling of the chocolate mass
  • second cooling
  • post heating

The levels of temperature and time are typically between 45°C to 30/32°C and all the steps are verified with appropriate instruments which verify the grade of chocolate tempering.

tempering chocolate22

Chillers -30°C in pharma industry

Recently in Tempco we’ve developed a refrigeration solution for near-cryogenic temperatures supplied to a customer in the pharma sector, aimed to cool down to -25°C the reactor employed in the production of the active ingredient of an innovative aerosol.

chiller pharma Tempco

After a careful evaluation of the overall process, we came with the proposition of two alternative solutions:

  • A liquid nitrogen cooling system
  • A classic compressor chillers solution

The solution using chillers was the preferred one, due to its technical advantages and the easier management. We agreed with the customer to develop a system employing two chillers working in parallel, each one achieving 75% of the total duty required.
The cooling capacity of each chiller is -30°C, and an automatic regulation system of the condensation ensures the best process efficiency in every season, an essential requirement because the plant is always operating.

chiller Tempco pharma -30

The full stainless realization steel has a special insulation for extreme low temperatures. A storage and distributing skid was built inside the building of the customer, providing the reactor the non-freezing solution, and equipped with:

  • Storage tanks
  • Redundant pumps
  • Monitoring and management centralized system

The remote management from a control-room allows monitoring and piloting of both chillers and pumps, with the possibility to manage alarms in order to ensure maximum productivity and to avoid expensive downtimes.

How to control the temperature in the calender rolls

How to control the temperature in the calender rolls

There are a lot of continuous production processes, using rotating cylinders for the most disparate functions:

  • hot pressing
  • gravure
  • packaging films
  • modeling (embossing, flocking etc …)
  • plastic or rubber molding
  • refinement of food or pharmaceutical products
  • Heating / cooling of films or products to make flakes

generically we call them calender rolls.

cylinder temperature control units

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How to…cooling down engines in aggressive environment

Typically engines radiators installed on cogeneration biogas plants sustain the worst conditions, due to an aggressive and corrosive environment.

Tempco made radiators and free coolers for many different application fields… and we know the above issue as well.

Related to these installation we make special radiators with:

  • stainless steel pipes
  • aluminium epoxy coated fins

The structure can be made of galvanized steel or stainless steel to achieve the best resistance in those aggressive environments.

Blowers are made with blades and engines treated with anti-corrosion protection.

For petrochemical, pharma and chemical field of applications we also make radiators ATEX certified.

Contact us directly via email at info@tempco.it for more details on these special applications.

Radiatore inox per ambienti aggressivi