Tempco Blog articles

The return of fluid cooling in data centers

Digitization and the rapid evolution of digital technologies are bringing back fluid cooling applications in data centers and the IT sector. While in the early days chilled water was usually employed on heat rejection for big IBM mainframes, with the era of PC/desktops a real aquaphobia has grown, stating the success of air cooled systems for critical electrical components.

Nowadays, fluid cooling is strongly returning for data center applications, primarily due to the increased IT rack power density, related to the diffusion of IoT, Big data and Analytics, requiring much more efficient heat dissipation solutions. And fluid is much more efficient in heat-transfer ratios versus air. Just to give an idea, 5 years ago a rack 5Kw worth of load was a pretty high density rack, while today it can be classified in mid to low density.

Another additional benefit of fluid cooling is the better employ of space in data centers, both in terms of square footage and within each track. Fluid cooling offers companies a space-saving solution, allowing to rack and stack data centers at much higher densities than before.

Fluid cooling comes in several forms, such as rear-door application of heat exchangers, as in Tempco we’ve already installed such several solutions, employing properly shaped TCOIL heat exchangers.

Another form of fluid cooling is as mounting a heat exchanger directly onto the CPU, GPU or FPGA, extracting heat directly from the chip. It can be achieved with Novec 7000 or with regular water. Another additional solution is to remove heat by submerging servers in a tank of fluid.

And after the increase of fluid cooling in data center applications, with increasing digitalization a next-up application in the IT sector could be blockchains, cryptocurrency and fintech.

Technical gases in industrial production

The application of technical gases in industrial production is growing faster, becoming a resource as much important as water and electricity. The most commonly used are acetylene, argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen.


Technical gases in industry are employed in order to maintain or achieve specific results, based on their singular properties. An example is the food and beverage industry, where inert noble gases are employed during the packaging of the products in order to maintain the freshness of the goods. Steel industry also makes a large use of technical gases, from heat treatments to the welding process, while pharmaceutical and chemical productive plants require fluxing using inert nitrogen, or also inert gas blanketing in order to achieve constant production results.

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Chillers in cosmetic industry

We’ve recently supplied a couple of chillers for the cooling of products in application to the cosmetic industry. Two chillers are respectively employed to cool down powder products, with power of 10 KW, and cream products, with power of 50 KW.

At the end of the blending process of the different components in a stainless steel mixer, the cosmetic products need to be cooled. Indeed, the temperature inside the mixer rises up, due to mechanical effect of the agitation in the tank in addition to the heat provided by the electrical resistances, in order to ensure the proper and complete mixing of the product.


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Industrial plants under control

Service” or “Customer Care” can be performed in many different ways, with on-site or remote methodologies, but typically starts from a contact or phone call where the customer reports a difficulty in managing the plant.

On-site intervention is usually the logical consequence that the customer awaits, with a promptness that provides him with the tranquility and guarantee that his work or production will not be affected. For industrial plants, these anomalies have important implications for the customer / user:

  • Production stops
  • Loss of product

We therefore consider it important to manage the telephone contact so that we can properly assess whether an on-site intervention is necessary or whether the abnormality can be resolved remotely.

For this reason, we are installing on the thermoregulation systems we are building, a set of indicators that have the purpose of monitoring the control unit, allowing you to detect the inconvenience, even with a telephone description.

Sometimes attending to these remote assistance interventions, I’m impressed with the quantity and quality of the questions that are placed on the operator who is on the implant.

The next analysis of the various responses allows in 90% of cases to understand what the problem is, such as the causes that caused it and ultimately to find the key that allows the solution, perhaps without having to intervene on the spot , But simply giving the right customer tips.

If it is not possible to solve remotely, then the intervention will be targeted, by intervening with the appropriate technical personnel, with the spare parts appropriate to the intervention, minimizing time and costs.

Temperature control in pharmaceutical preparers

The pharmaceutical industry is still requiring and triggering interesting applications. Actually, in Tempco we are engineering a heating and cooling plant for application to preparers of pharma products of a customer in Mendrisio.

The project involves the installation of two thermoregulating units, with heating/cooling power of 80/80 kW, employing water/antifreeze as thermal fluid, in a range of temperatures of -5°C/+140°C. The thermoregulation plant is engineered to provide temperature control with a tolerance of +/-1°C.


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Heat exchangers and nanocoatings in Food industry

The food & beverage industry is a massive end-user of heat exchangers, for applications such as thermoregulation of production goods or heat recovery. Special executions to meet the hygienic requirements of the sector are the ABC here.

Equipments are indeed exposed to frequent cleaning cycles, using aggressive and potentially corrosive chemical agents. The corrugation on plates creates several grooves and recesses where persistent residual biofilms can stuck, that must be removed in order too avoid growth and proliferation of microbes, fungus and bacteria.

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Energy audit, Italian model for European SMEs

Once in a while Italy rules as a best practice in terms of energy efficiency among SMEs. Is good to read in this interesting and accurate article about the Energy audit model implemented by the Italian government, an effective tool to unlock great energy efficiency potential in Europe, considering that SMEs are the heart of European economy, representing 99% of all businesses in the EU.

In Italy the Article 8 of the current Directive 2012/27/EU, also know as Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), has been ratified with the Legislative Decree n. 102 of 04/07/2014. The European EED defines ‘energy audit’ as a systematic procedure with the purpose of obtaining adequate knowledge of the existing energy consumption profile of an industrial or commercial operation, also identifying and quantifying cost-effective energy saving opportunities.

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Increase the production plant efficiency

Hot season is coming, cooling plants are beginning to get some difficulty … preventive maintenance helps to avoid problems and to increase production efficiency.

The increase in efficiency includes, in my opinion, two important aspects:

  1. Increase the productivity of a plant
  2. Reduce plant management costs

Surely a preventive maintenance action of heat exchangers, which involves washing and regenerating, achieves both goals.

  1. You can increase your plant’s productivity, as the “cooling / heat exchange” system will reach and maintain the required temperature levels more quickly.
  2. At the same time, this higher speed saves energy (electrical / thermal) needed to reach and maintain temperature levels, without dispersion or obstacles.

We have already started to make scheduled maintenance. The service division is equipped with spare parts for quick intervention in case of urgency.

You can contact us to assess the efficiency level of your systems and the costs for preventive maintenance.

Thermoregulating units in clean energy

It happens often that new applications of the thermoregulating units that we develop to meet customers requests surprise ourselves too. The flexibility of this kind of thermoregulating equipment allows indeed to offer a fine temperature regulation and heating capacity modulation to apply in several sectors, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, composite materials and test benches.

A particular application we recently developed required special thermoregulating units for testing of an alternative energy production system using a Stirling engine.
energia alternativa termoregolazione biomasse

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Racing motors thermoregulation

Special industrial applications are the perfect field to take advantage of the extreme flexibility of Tempco’s special Thermoregulating units.

termoregolazione banchi prova motori F1

An example is the special custom solution we designed and engineered for application in a test bench for extreme high-performance motors, engines to be employed in competition and racing cars.
We developed for a specific customer a diathermic oil thermoregulating unit for high-temperatures up to 300°C, with fine temperature regulation.

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