Tempco Blog articles

Merry Christmas… and Smart Heat recovery from Tempco!

This year, in Tempco we want to wish you a warm Merry Christmas in an even smarter way…
An interesting tip related to heat recovery and datacenters comes indeed from Nerdalize, a Netherlands based company. The idea is to combine the growing demand of computing power with the heating need in homes, leveraging on a delocalized network of cloud servers in homes.

Tempco Auguri 2017 Nerdalize cloud server recupero calore

The solution could be an alternative to traditional big datacenters, huge energy wasters that employ 40% of its total energy consumption on cooling and dissipating the heat produced by servers.

Cloud servers at homes would then represent a sustainable computing power source and an immediate source of heating power, decreasing at once both energy consumption aimed at datacenters’ cooling and households’ energy bills, thanks to heat recovery from servers directly in homes.

And with that in mind, the Tempco team would like to wish you a very Warm and Merry Christmas, and our most sincere wishes for a Happy New Year 2018!

Thermoregulating units, Tempco technical sheet updated

Thermoregulating units, updated Technical sheet for the Tempco TREG HC ST series. The thermoregulation control units by Tempco produce water at controlled temperature, in an operating range between +10 and +120°C (the range may be extended on request), with +/-1°C tolerance.

The units employ as fluids steam for the heating cycle and chilled water for cooling. Other types of fluids may also be used, following an assessment by Tempco technical department on the compatibility with the units’ components.

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Thermoregulation in anesthetics production

A customer in the pharmaceutical industry placed an order for thremoregulating units intended for a new plant for the production of anesthetics. The unit is actually in the start-up phase, and works directly on the product, regulating the temperatures required in the several steps of the production of active ingredients employed in the anesthetics.

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Cooling with the sunlight

At first glance it sounds like a contradiction, but this is the effect actually achieved by the innovative coating Solcold developed by an Israel-based startup.

The cooling coating employs an active cooling process involving the basic principles of laser cooling, applying the idea to the spectrum of sunlight. The coating not only reflect the sunlight, lowering the temperature of exposed surfaces and rooftops, decreasing energy consumption of conditioning systems. The solution employs the sun rays to activate a chemical process able to transform façades and rooftops in a sort of layer of ice, actively cooling them up to 10° C.

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R&D in simulation models for cogeneration

Among the several offers for scholarships launched by Italian Universities, often aiming to digitalization and Industry 4.0 technologies, recently our attention has been caught by an opportunity provided by the University of Naples Federico II, for a scholarship in the ‘Development of dynamic simulation models for cogeneration plants’.

Is great to see that R&D is going on in the CHP sector, which in Italy is still having large opportunities to increase energy efficiency, with applications in the industry but also for medium-small utilities, such as SME and residential sites thanks to micro-cogeneration and microgrids.

cogenerazione CHP deumidificazione biogas

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More efficient heat exchangers in Ferrari

At the last Malaysian GP 2017, the Ferrari Team raised interest and curiosity with its SF70H, showcasing a new dynamic air intake, with ellipsoidal section obtained by combining the regular intake with two ‘ears’, increasing the intake area of the air scoop. The new design of the airbox increases the incoming air flow, in order to achieve maximum benefit from the high speed reached by F1 vehicles during races.

Scambiatori air scoop Ferrari SF70H Malesia

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Heat exchangers and Fuel cells for future clean energy

Fuel cell systems are an innovative technology more and more employed in clean renewable energy applications, able to convert chemical energy from a fuel containing hydrogen into electricity. The wide range of nickel brazed plate heat exchangers offered by Tempco are an ideal solution for this kind of application, allowing space saving due to its compactness, developed in three different series in 9 different sizes.

fuel cell heat exchangers Tempco

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Heat recovery in paper mill with immersion TCOIL

We recently came back to a customer after five years since we’ve supplied a heat recovery application in a paper mill. Pulp and paper mills are a challenging environment for heat exchangers, due to the presence of colloids flocs or flakes in addition to the employ of aggressive chemical bleaching agents in the water, requiring special corrosion-resistant materials.

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Next generation heat exchangers in 3D printing

Additive manufacturing and metal direct 3D printing is growing fast in the manufacturing, and being also employed and tested for next generation heat exchangers. The University of Maryland is indeed developing heat exchangers produced using metal direct 3D printing to make lighter, cheaper and more efficient exchangers, achieving increased thermal transfer by 20% in heating and cooling applications.

Another great advantage of additive manufacturing is the possibility to design more efficient and complex designs, and quickly, reducing the manufacturing process from months to weeks. Leveraging on automated design algorithms is possibile to create unique shapes, aimed to increase surface thermal exchange boosting the thermal efficiency. In addition, the components are printed in a single-piece, avoiding secondary finishing processes and brazing, so that resistance to high-pressure and leakage can be strongly improved.

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