
Adiabatic cooling

Adiabatic cooling is a special boost solution for free cooling systems, allowing to lower the temperature of inlet ambient air of the cooling system thanks to an air spraying system.
The adiabatic boost lowers the ambient air temperature through evaporation, allowing to extend the use of f ree cooling increasing the energy savings.

Anodic oxidation

Anodic oxidation is a particular process employing a galvanic bath for the treatment of aluminium components, in order to make them more corrosion resistant when exposed to external agents.
The anodic oxidation treatment uses a galvanic bath containing sulphuric acid with passage of an electric current to achieve the electrolytic process, where heat exchangers and chillers made with corrosion resistant materials ensure the cooling of the galvanic bath.


Atex (Atmosphere Explosive) is the term referring to certifications of thermoregulation and temperature control equipments suited for installation in explosion risk industriai environments.
Industriai production processes presenting environments with high risk of explosion are typically involved in chemical, pharma and oil & gas sectors, for which Tempco is able to supply thermoregulating units and temperature control systems with the required ATEX certifications.



BRAZED HEAT EXCHANGER Acronym of plate heat exchangers with brazed plates pack and a gasket-less structure.


Chevron angle

The Chevron angle in plate heat exchangers is related to the particular corrugation design of the plates, and its selection is based on the viscosity level of fluids involved.
A more dull Chevron angle generates a higher number of contact points among overlapped plates, increasing the turbulent flow and the thermal transfer rate.


Thermal cycle that employs endothermic engines for the combined generation of electricity and heat.
Cogeneration allows to recover the thermal energy generated by the mechanical work of the engine, obtaining for example hot water using the heat instead of dissipating it in the surrounding environment, therefore increasing the overall efficiency of the system.

Consumptions in Cooling Tower

Cooling towers are very simple thermal machines achieving a cooling effect of process water thanks to direct contact with air. Consumptions are related to the energy required for air circulation within the tower and water pumping.
There is also water consumption, given by the sum of water losses for evaporation, water amount lost due to drag effect and the amount of wastewater purge a re-integration.

Read more: How does a cooling tower work and how much water does it use?


Dew point

The dew point is the amount of humidity or ambient air, which is its saturation level of aqueous vapor.
Based upon the dew point value and on the initial heat content of air, also called dry bulb temperature, depends the evaporation and cooling rate that can be achieved using an evaporative tower.


Dimple jacket is a term referring to a special and highly versatile kind of plate heat exchangers, made by two metal sheets welded along the perimeter and spot-welded, and then inflated under high pressure.
An internal thermal transfer chamber, or jacket, is then obtained, in which the thermal transfer fluid can flow.



The acronym EAC indicates the EurAseC Conformity certification required for installation of thermoregulating units and temperature control systems in Russia and EEU (Eurasian Economie Union) Countries.
Tempco is able to supply heat exchangers, thermoregulating units and temperature control solutions for industriai production processes equipped with EAC components and executions for installation in Russia and EEU Countries.

Evaporative towers

Evaporative towers, also called cooling towers, are thermal machines employed for the cooling of process water thanks to the direct thermal transfer with air and the physical process of evaporation.
The contact of the water with cooler air causes the evaporation of part of the water, which is achieved absorbing and thus dissipating heat.



The fouling factor is a crucial parameter to consider for the sizing and calculation of plate heat exchangers.
Its value refers to the amount of scaling that the fluids involved in the thermal cycle could potentially settle on the surfaces of plates, lowering the overall thermal transfer efficiency rate.


Kind of cooling system leveraging the low temperatures of ambient air, by employing heat exchangers with forced air circulation, radiators and electroradiators.
It represents an excellent solution in terms of energy efficiency, allowing to avoid high consumes related to compressors in chillers using external cool air to achieve the cooling effect.


The term free flow is referred to a special kind of plates employed in heat exchangers, with typically large and wide passages and no contact points.
The peculiar configuration of the plates lead to a plates pack in the exchanger that allows the free flow of dirty fluids rich in suspended particles through the plates without clogging the exchanger.


Glycol water

Glycol water is water with the addition on mono ethylene glycol, an anti-freeze fluid essential in applications with heat exchangers, cooling systems and free coolers in order to ensure frost-protection of the plant during the coldest winter season.
Pipings of cooling plants exposed to the low winter temperatures are in-deed facing the risk of severe and costly damages and bursts, due to the expansion rate of water when freezing within the hydraulic circuits.


Heat pumps

Heat pumps are devices that employ a thermodynamic cycle using a heat exchanger in function of evaporator, a compressor and another heat ex-changers as a condenser.
Depending on the seasonal need, the thermal cycle can be reversed in order to produce heat or cold, and thus heating or conditioning, absorbing thermal energy from the outside or from the inside based on the need.

Heat recovery

Cooling applications within industrial processes using heat exchangers often allow to study and implement heat recovery solutions, increasing the overall energy efficiency.
The heat generated by the production process which is dissipated to ensure the proper operating conditions of the plant can indeed be recovered and reused for heating tasks required in other steps of the production process or to obtain warm water for sanitary use.

Heat exchanger

A passive device employed for heating and cooling tasks using the physical principle of thermal transfer between two fluids having different temperature levels.
There are several typologies of heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, shell and tube, blocks and finned battery exchangers, each one offering efficiency levels to be evaluated depending on the kind of thermal application.

Approfondisci: Heat exchangers

Heat exchanger calculation

Calculating a heat exchanger refers to the informations about the temperature control application that are required in order to properly size and design the exchanger.
Here’s a five fingers rule to follow, including the kind of fluid to be heated or cooled, inlet temperature of the fluid and outlet temperature, the kind of working fluid employed and its temperature.

Read more: https://www.tempco.it/blog/en/3402/heat-exchanger-calculation/


Immersion Exchangers

Immersion exchangers are a kind of dimple jacket exchangers where the cooling or heating effect is achieved through direct immersion in a thermal transfer fluid.
This kind of heat exchanger also allows to leverage geothermal energy, for example with direct immersion of the exchanger in seawater on lake water.


An inverter is a device that allows to modulate power consumption in thermoregulation systems using electrical resistors to achieve the heating tasks.
The inverter in this case allows indeed to adjust the power consumption in real time based on actual needs of the production process, leading to important advantages in terms of energy savings and higher efficiency.


Mono fluid thermoregulation

Mono fluid thermoregulation is a special kind of thermoregulation that al-lows to obtain an accurate and precise control of different temperature levels of process fluids, using a unique thermal transfer fluid.
It is therefore possibile to avoid to empty and washing the plant’s circuits required when multiple thermal transfer fluids are used, thus shortening production cycle times while increasing the overall efficiency.


No plume towers

Evaporative towers have a characteristic white plume coming out of the tower, clearly indicating their evaporative cooling process: this is in fact water vapor, resulting from the evaporation process.
In case the plume can be annoying, or even dangerous for example com-promising visibility in the nearby of an airport, it is possible to have no plume towers with retro-fit systems to tear it down. Wet-dry systems can also be employed to eliminate the problem at the origin.



PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER, acronym that usually refers to plate heat exchangers that can be inspected for maintenance purposes, as brazed plate exchangers are instead indicated as BHE.



Retrofitting an industrial plant or machinery means to introduce a technical upgrade to an older solution, in our case installing a technological innovation on a temperature control machinery taking it at the state of the art of the market.
Tempco often realizes retrofit interventions on temperature control and thermal management systems for the process industry, aiming at increasing the energy efficiency of the overall process and energy saving and return of investment for the industrial final user.


The term revamping is referred to a renovation and empowering intervention on an industrial plant, within the thermal energy management field it can involve the increase of thermal transfer capacity of a plate heat ex-changer with the addition of more plates.
Exchangers, thermoregulating units and in general cooling and heating equipments can need a revamping intervention in order to restore the original project thermal efficiency of the machinery after a long period of work, or to adapt the capacity to new production needs.



TEMPERATURE CONTROL UNITTemperature Control Unit, these are Tempco’s TREG thermoregulation units that allow an accurate and fine regulation of temperature levels, of-fering set-up and remote management options.



UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is the acronym of the certification of compliance with the standard required for installation of thermoregulating units and temperature control systems in the North American market.
Tempco is able to supply thermoregulation and temperature control solutions in production industrial processes equipped with UL compliant components and executions for installation within United States and Canada.


Vaporization latent heat

The vaporization latent heat is the amount of heat that is absorbed from air in order to achieve the physical process of evaporation of a certain volume of water by direct contact with ambient air.
Evaporative towers take advantage of the evaporation process in order to dissipate thermal energy for water cooling in industrial processes.


Wet bulb temperature

Wet bulb temperature represents the theoretical lower temperature limit of the water that can be achieved in a cooling tower through evaporation, being it the essential reference value for working conditions in evaporative towers.
Wet bulb temperature is in fact the maximum amount of water vapor that can be absorbed by the air circulating within the tower, thus giving a measurement of the direct thermal transfer achievable between air and water.


The term wind chill refers to the cooling and chilling effect that we feel when the wind blows on wet skin on our bodies, for example when we come out of the water after a swim.
This event shows very clearly and immediately helps to understand the cooling effect produced by the direct contact of water and ambient air, the basic principle of the evaporation process used in cooling towers.