Thermoregulation for electric vehicles test benches
Thermoregulation for battery pack and electric engines test bench, the switch from the thermal engine to the electric powertrain in electric cars requires new concepts and systems.
Thermoregulation for battery pack and electric engines test bench, the switch from the thermal engine to the electric powertrain in electric cars requires new concepts and systems.
Swapping the primary and secondary circuit and reversing the flows in plate heat exchangers is usually possibile, with some exceptions. So that’s why it’s always better to ask for it in advance.
Fibreglass is highly employed by manufacturers of cooling towers, both for components and structural parts, ensuring oxidation and corrosion resistance in constant presence of water.
A refrigerator with a condenser/heater exchanger and an evaporator/cooler exchanger in reversible cycle at season’s change, that’s how a heat pump works providing both heating and conditioning.
Shell and tube exchangers combined with a chiller for biogas dehumidification in the treatment of the gas to be employed in cogeneration plants.
Thermoregulating units in Atex execution for a chemical production plant, with heat recovery on high temperature diathermic oil using special sloped U-design shell and tube heat exchangers.
High construction flexibility T COIL dimple jacket exchangers, customized on any heating and cooling needs of industrial processes, from food, chemical, pharma and further more.
Improper or scarse lubrication in mechanical seals, wear, friction and excessive heating. Troubleshooting and how to recognise various seal damages.
Why do you need H or L plates in a plate heat exchanger? Different pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient depending on different kind of plate.
First Tempco video tutorial dedicated to plate heat exchangers and their advantages in terms of flexibility, higher heat transfer efficiency and compact design.