Cooling towers dealing with cold environments
Anti freeze resistances, exhaust steam piping or stopping the fans, a bunch of tricks to avoid water from freezing inside cooling towers during the cold season in extreme climate areas.
Anti freeze resistances, exhaust steam piping or stopping the fans, a bunch of tricks to avoid water from freezing inside cooling towers during the cold season in extreme climate areas.
Energy recovery applied in cold production, using waste heat in small size absorption chillers that allows high energy savings where waste heat at high temperature is available.
Tempco is investing in the Russian market, achieving EAC Certification on TREG Thermoregulating units and heat exchangers, while a Russian language version of our website is already online.
Cooling towers on the market today are all equipped with everything to make them legionella-free, such as self-draining basins, absence of water stagnation and chemicals dosing systems for water treatment.
Often associated with news about pollution, emissions and environment, the huge plume coming out of the top of cooling towers is nothing but water vapor.
Energy recovery from high temperature waste heat for free and eco-friendly chilling power production, energy saving and process efficiency with absorption chillers by Robur.
Adiabatic free cooling using water at the temperature of 25° C for the wire drawing process in steel industry, high efficiency cooling with water in closed-circuit also during the warmer season.
Awareness of human factor, a clear definition of what an IT disaster means for a company and full testing procedures are vital to make an effective IT disaster recovery plan.
Immersion heat exchangers, inverters and energy saving and heat recovery solutions, Tempco is committed in finding how to expand the application of these technologies also in the civil sector.
Environment policy in Tempco involves the employ of 100% of renewable energy for our activities and the reuse of packaging materials, while safety measures have been boosted against covid-19.