Software custom for automotive radiators test bench cooling
Temperature regulation unit for automotive test bench on radiators and fans, managed by a dedicated software which ensures safe operations during tested parts’ replacement.
Temperature regulation unit for automotive test bench on radiators and fans, managed by a dedicated software which ensures safe operations during tested parts’ replacement.
How to evaluate the thermal duty to be dissipated in cooling and thermostatation of anodic oxidation plants, in order to properly size heat exchangers and chillers.
Cooling system equipped with temperature control module ensuring high precision levels of temperature management for the Gran Sasso Laboratories research in nuclear physics.
Plate heat exchangers and TCOIL dimple jacket exchangers in anodic oxidation baths cooling, using special materials ensuring corrosion resistance to sulphuric acid.
Energy efficiency improvement with implementation of inverters on pumps and evaporative towers engines employed in thermal treatments and forge cooling plant.
Video presentation during the MCTER web edition event dedicated to smart efficiency, speaking about immersion cooling with TCOIL dimple jacket exchangers for heat pumps cooling in a seaport.
From conching to refining, and through the molding phase, an extremely accurate and precise temperature regulation is a crucial requirement within all the steps involved in chocolate production.
Happy Holidays and a Happy 2021 to everyone from Tempco, a new year bringing a growth in AI applications for the smart management of energy in industrial plants.
The F1 accident of Grosjean prompted a reflection upon the importance of fine temperature control in the production of today’s driver crash-protection structures made in carbon fiber.
Refrigeration unit with chillers for pharma reactors cooling at near-cryogenic temperatures, boosting cooling capacity to cope with increased production capacity of APIs.