Diverse and various applications of thermoregulating units in test benches

One of the most interesting and usual applications we deploy in Tempco of TREG thermoregulating units is on test benches. This is an interesting topic as it finds always new and different applications.

TREGs have indeed a very wide kind of applications on test benches, for example when test benches are intended for testing of automotive components such as radiators, of engine parts, or even utilities related to the automotive industry, for example pumps for water circulation or electric pumps or anyway components that are subjected to high temperature variations both due to ambient temperature and the temperature of the fluid they are working with.

Well, it is very interesting to be able to test this equipments by introducing them inside climate chambers where we vary ambient temperature. Along with the variation of ambient temperature, is also interesting to vary the temperature of the fluid that feeds these elements or that they have to work with. Clearly, we follow the temperature of the climate chamber, thus a certain ambient temperature, or even in contrast with the ambient temperature in order to evaluate and validate the behaviour of these components under variating temperature conditions.

Similarly, mechanical parts of engines are tested inducing a variation of the temperature for example of the lubricating oil, depending on different working conditions. Instead of a full engine, it’s also possible to test single components even using very wide temperature range variations, from negative value temperatures up to extremely positive temperatures, for example from -20° C up to +130° C. That’s because we can have an engine installed in a parked vehicle exposed to very cold temperatures that gets started, causing the temperature to rise until it reaches normal conditions of use. And so we have a very wide temperature variation for example for the refrigerating oil.

All of these applications can be served by thermoregulating units that accurately simulate these ambient situations and these load situations.