Thermoregulation during the production phases of cosmetic creams

In the cosmetic cream production sector, Tempco has supplied a series of TREG thermoregulation units to machine builders and final cosmetics producers.

A precise and fine control of the temperature in the production of cosmetic creams is indeed essential to ensure the quality, stability and effectiveness of the final product.

Tempco centraline termoregolazione TREG produzione creme cosmetiche

During the production process of cosmetic creams, temperature affects several critical phases, which include:

  • Mixing ingredients: many ingredients used in cosmetic creams, such as oils, emulsifiers and preservatives, must be dissolved or held at a certain temperature to mix properly. A careful temperature control prevents ingredients from separating or degrading.
  • Emulsification: creams are often emulsions, that is mixtures of water and oils. The temperature must be precisely controlled during the emulsification phase to ensure uniform distribution of phases and a homogeneous texture of the product.
  • Cooling: after the emulsification step, it is essential to cool the product at a controlled rate to avoid phase separation or the formation of unwanted crystals. Cooling too quickly or too slowly can compromise the consistency and stability of the cream.
  • Product stability: ensuring the proper controlled temperature during production and packaging helps to preserve the chemical and microbiological stability of the product, preventing alterations over time.
  • Safety: avoiding excessive temperatures prevents thermal degradation of sensitive active ingredients, which could reduce the effectiveness of the cream or generate potentially irritating secondary products.