Thermoregulation with remote control

Last week, we provided our support to start up a  thermo-regulating unit, which serves a pharmaceutical production process.

 TREG unità di termoregolazione monofluido

It consists of a single fluid thermoregulation plant, where the customer adjusts the production process temperature, following the thermal diagrams, which include heating, maintenance, and cooling sections, in programmed sequences.

Therefore, the control unit must be adjusted according to the process requirements.

To make this diagram, we have agreed with the customer to use a master/slave configuration supplied, in this case, by Ascon. In brief, the thermoregulator, from where temperature is set, positioned on the customer’s reactor works as the master and drives the instrument inserted in the TREG control unit (which works as the slave).

The instrument on board the control unit controls the operation logic of the valves and heat exchangers to obtain the correct temperature level required by the process.

termoregolatore PID su centralina TREG in funzione slave

The configuration of the instruments was refined with the support of Ascon technicians, who have supported us during every stage of the project, from the selection of the appliances to the final test at the customer’s premises.

In terms of components, the modulating and ON/OFF valves servethe plate heat exchangers, which allow excellent yield and flexibility.

The control unit, which runs on pressurised water, is equipped with the common safety devices and with an additional protection level, in order to maintain it within the design temperature and pressure limits.

The investment plan includes the implementation of other 3 control units of this model within the beginning of next year. We are also evaluating with the customer the idea to add a PLC control to allow the customer to customise its production “recipes” further.

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Posted in Energia Termica @en, thermal energy, Thermoregulation Unit

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