Tempco presents the new site dedicated to the innovative PCHE heat exchangers

Tempco is very pleased to announce the launch of a new website exclusively dedicated to PCHE heat exchangers, printed circuit heat exchangers (https://pche.it/en/). The peculiarities of this type of plate heat exchangers are in fact such and unique that they deserve a space of their own where it is possible to illustrate and explore all the potential applications of this innovative heat transfer technology.

For some time now we have been talking about thermoregulation and temperature control solutions that Tempco has developed thanks to the use of PCHE exchangers: from hydrogen refueling stations for sustainable mobility, to temperature control in fuel cell technologies in hybrid powertrains of the most advanced zero-emission yachts. Up to pioneering applications that lie ahead in the oil and gas sector and safe nuclear energy field, with fourth generation reactors.

Tempco PCHE printed circuit heat exchangers website home

The Fields of Application section of the site offers an overview of the cutting-edge industrial sectors where PCHE exchangers are already used. On the Features page of the website dedicated to Tempco PCHE heat exchangers it is possible to discover in detail the distinctive technical features of this exchangers technology, which, thanks to the solid state welding process called Diffusion Bonding, differ from traditional welded exchangers. Diffusion bonding in fact gives PCHEs exceptional mechanical and structural resistance, allowing them to be used in extreme operating conditions in terms of high pressures and temperatures.

The special technique of chemical etching of the plates, similar to that used in the electronics sector to create printed circuits, also allows to create customized layouts of the heat transfer circuits on the plates of these exchangers, with total design freedom to obtain high efficiency heat transfer circuits customized for individual applications. Furthermore, it offers the possibility of creating PCHE exchangers also in multistream mode, to manage different heat transfers simultaneously with different flow rates, pressure drops, pressure levels and temperatures.

We therefore invite you to discover and deploy together with Tempco the application potential offered by the new world of PCHE exchangers on the new dedicated page at https://pche.it/.