ESG sustainability certification 2024 within the supply chain for Tempco

The adoption of sustainable behaviors is as important for Tempco as supporting customers within the process industry in pursuing maximum energy efficiency, reducing the environmental impact of industrial production activities.

In our constant commitment to achieve sustainability targets, we are therefore pleased to have added the 2024 Certification issued by Synesgy for the assessment of sustainability relating to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) in the supply chain, which we completed upon the initiative of one of our customers who requested this qualification.

Tempco 2024 ESG certification sustainability Synesgy

Synesgy, the body that issued the Certification, is a global platform for assessing ESG sustainability within supply chains. Tempco has adopted in its sustainability strategy some measures aimed at the implementation of photovoltaic, for the use of renewable energy covering the entire energy needs for the activities at its headquarters, in addition to the implementation of a paperless strategy with the digitalisation of paper documentation, reducing the environmental impact of operations.

To increase energy efficiency and well-being for the people who work in Tempco, in our offices and in the workshop, heat pumps have also been introduced, and the replacement with LED lamps has been completed for 100% of the lighting systems.